
JAKARTA - The Indonesian sports world has lost one of its best sons. Former national swimming athlete Lukman Niode died at Pelni Hospital, Jakarta at 12.58 WIB.

The news of the death of the man who once defended Indonesia at the 1984 Olympics was spread through the Kemenpora WhatsApp group.

"Innalilahi Wa Innalilahi Rojiun, at 12 58 o'clock Pelni Hospital passed away, our friend, the National Pride of Indonesian Swimming Athlete Lukman Niode, I hope the late Husnul Khatimah and the family left behind by Tabah and Ikhlas Aamiin YRA," read the message.

Previously, Lukman had reportedly had the status of PDP COVID-19 and was undergoing treatment at Pelni Hospital Jakarta. However, it is not yet known why Lukman Niode died.

The news of Lukman's death was also conveyed by fellow former swimmer and Olympian Richard San Bera via social media.

"With a sad heart, I announce the death of my friend - my mentor, my inspiration - the legendary swimmer brother Lukman Niode. He died this afternoon at 12.58pm at Pelni Hospital, Jakarta. I am very sad about his passing. RIP brother," he wrote via Twitter.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Youth and Sports, Zainudin Amali, felt deeply lost for the passing of Niode, who had dedicated himself to sports all his life.

"His dedication was extraordinary, both when he was still active as an athlete and after becoming a sports manager. The deceased has made various achievements both at home and abroad for swimming," said Zainudin in a written statement received by the editor.

Sesmenpora Gatot S Dewobroto also did not forget to express his condolences over the death of Niode: "We are sorry about the death of Mas Lukman Niode. The deceased is one of the greatest athlete icons, especially in the swimming sport we have ever had."

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