
JAKARTA Star Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), Conor McGregor, expressed his intention to run for President of Ireland.

The 36-year-old mixed martial arts athlete made an announcement regarding his intention after meeting with United States President Donald Trump last week during the celebration of St. Patrick's Day.

"Ireland, the choice is in your hands and it's easy. Choose me to be your President and we will save Ireland together!" he tweeted on his X account.

In a longer article, McGregor detailed his plans for him to be elected President. In the article, he also talked about Pakta Suaka and Migration in the European Union.

It is a new set of European Union regulations regarding migration. The Pact law instrument comes into effect on June 11, 2024 and will be fully implemented in June 2026.

McGregor admitted that he was very against the Pact. So, he also promised to fight the Pact if he was elected President.

"The next presidential election must be carried out no later than (11 November 2025)."

"Who else will fight the government and oppose this bill? Other presidential candidates they are trying to propose will not fight them. I will fight back!" he wrote.

However, totaling McElroy, a professor of political science at Trinity College Dublin, said McGregor hardly had a chance to really be elected.

"Almost zero (the chances). There are two obstacles. First, you have to be nominated and then you have to win the majority. Both obstacles are barely overcome (for McGregor)," he said.

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