
JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) has taken significant steps to ensure the success of its athletes at the 2024 Aceh-North Sumatra National Sports Week (PON).

More than thousands of capital athletes have made it through the PON qualifying round, in accordance with the Central KONI Decree No. 117 of 2023 which stipulates the athlete quota for 65 sports with 87 disciplines in a total of 1038 matches.

In a Press Gathering event which took place on Wednesday, November 15 on the 4th Floor of the DKI Jakarta KONI Building, the General Chairperson of the DKI Jakarta KONI, Dr. Hidayat Humaid, expressed his determination and enthusiasm to achieve achievements at the national and international levels.

"We continue to strive to be the best in achievement sports, and we ask for prayers and blessings from all Jakarta residents," he said.

Hidayat also expressed his appreciation to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, especially the Sports Service (Dispora) and the DKI Jakarta DPRD, for their support for the development of achievement sports. "Jakarta Success for Indonesia," Hidayat said, referring to the slogan of the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono.

The General Secretary of the DKI Jakarta KONI, Aminullah, emphasized that athletes, coaches, assistant coaches, and sports management continue to work hard to improve performance. "We continue to strive to score achievements," he added.

Fatchul Anas, Deputy General Chair III of KONI DKI Jakarta, reported that 95 percent of the 65 sports and 87 disciplines that carried out the PON qualifying round. "The athletes that passed the PON consisted of individual and team numbers," he said.

Meanwhile, sports such as Archery, Billiards, and Rowing are undergoing the qualifying round. "The routine evaluation will continue, and the results will be a reference in the 2024 PON," said Fatchul Anas.

Gde Sardjana, Deputy General Chair II of KONI DKI Jakarta, expressed his belief that with the enthusiasm and consistency of the athletes' training, the Jakarta contingent could achieve brilliant achievements. "There are no brilliant achievements without consistent and maximum training," he added.

With strong preparation and dedication, KONI DKI Jakarta is determined to give it it its best to make Jakarta proud in the 2024 Aceh-North PON.

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