
YOGYAKARTA You are certainly one of the people who are of the view that golf is only intended for the people of the upper middle class. This is admitted because there are many things that make sport expensive. Then why is golf called a sport for the rich?

In general, golf is a sport that is done outdoors by inserting the ball with a golf club into a hole available on the field. Players usually make golf a hobby, but not everyone can feel the sensation of golf.

Golf is indeed referred to as a sport for the rich because the costs incurred to play this game are quite expensive, more expensive than other sports such as badminton, football, swimming, and so on. Because it costs a lot, only people with money are able to do golf. There are several reasons behind the high cost of playing golf, namely as follows.

Golf is done on a large and green land. This reason is one of the reasons why golf is so expensive. Not everyone has and is able to have such a large field. Not only that, golf courses must meet several standards, one of which is that there is green grass by adjusting the area of the field. This means that all golf courses must be covered by grass.

The golf course area itself varies, usually around 30 to 200 hectares. Fields must also be overgrown with green grass. The types of grass planted vary, one of which is young grass. However, there are also those who use synthetic grass.

It is not easy to take care of a very wide golf course, especially to grow and keep grass green. There are many workers involved to care for a golf course.

In addition, golf course owners must also think about trees, lakes, or prevent other animals that have the potential to interfere with the course of the golf game. For this reason, it is natural that golf course managers set an expensive price for their field rental.

Not everyone can play golf. You have to take basic training to find out how the rules are applied in golf games. On the other hand, the price of golf training that must be issued is also very expensive because it requires fields, beating tools, balls, and so on.

Golfers must be able to pay field rentals, tools, and bring in golf coaches so they can learn to be proficient.

Another reason why golf is expensive is because its tools are expensive. A beginner should at least have golf tools such as sticks, balls, clothes, hats, sticks bags, and many more. The tools are not sold at low prices.

Golf clubs, for example, are sold at an expensive price because the materials used must be light, durable and sturdy enough to hit golf balls.

In addition, golfers will also be accompanied by a caddy golfer at a fairly expensive rate to accompany players during golf.

Another plausible reason is because of the branding reasons of companies related to golf. Historically, golf is often done by rich people such as businessmen or politicians. They had casual meetings while playing golf to reach a lucrative deal.

If you plan to learn this sport, it would be nice to calculate the cost of playing golf first.

In addition to why golf is called a sport for the rich, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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