
YOGYAKARTA The All-Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) formed a ball anti-mafia task force. In the task force there are several independent figures and will work transparently. PSSI Chairman Erick Thohir himself has appointed the people chosen to fill the position as chairman to members of the Anti-Mafia Ball Task Force.

It should be noted that the task of the Anti-Mafia Ball Task Force is to eradicate the practice of match-fixing that has been happening in the world of Indonesian football. The formation of the task force was carried out at the direction of the President. In addition, there is also an urge for internal introspection.

The involvement of independent figures in the task force is expected to have a real impact in order to make PSSI a clean and open organization.

"This morning I was summoned by the President, in addition to reporting the readiness of the U-17 World Cup and the plan to lay the first stone for the PSSI national training center at IKN, I was specifically ordered to pay serious attention to the practice of match arrangements and the football mafia. In fact, asking for the involvement of independent figures so that transparency is clear," explained Erick Thohir through a press conference held in Jakarta, Wednesday.

Meanwhile, the figures who are members of the Anti-Mafia Ball Task Force are as follows.

The chairman of PSSI has also appointed Maruarar Sirait as the Head of the Anti-Mafia Ball Task Force (Satgas). The appointment of Maruarar Sirait as the head of the task force is not without reason. He is considered experienced in politics and has even succeeded in uncovering major cases. In addition, the President has also trusted Maruarar Sirait to manage the President's Cup championship which has been running several times.

Quoted from the National Library website, Maruarar Sirait is a man born in Medan, North Sumatra. He was born on December 23, 1969. He studied at Parahyangan University at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. After completing his education he joined the PDI-P.

He also briefly became a member of the DPR from the PDI-P faction. He remained a member of the DPR for three terms, namely 2004-2009, 2009-2014, and 2014-2019. While in Senayan he was also known as a member who was quite vocal. He also often makes social movements, especially in the fields of youth and sports.

One of the services that deserves thumbs up is his role in establishing the TMP Football School (SSB). The SSB formed by Maruarar Sirait is open to the public and free.

Maruarar Sirait also received appreciation from President Jokowi by being appointed as Chair of the 2015 President's Cup Steering Committee (SC). The event was held successfully so that he was again trusted as the President's Cup SC in the next three events, namely 2017, 2018, and 2019.

That's information regarding members of the Anti-Mafia Ball Task Force. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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