
YOGYAKARTA Indonesia will send a number of athletes for the aquatic sport to participate in the 2022 Asian Games in Hangzhou, China. Ahead of the competition, the Indonesian Sports Committee (KOI) said that the Indonesian aquatic team had increased.

Apart from the condition of Indonesian aquatic athletes, the sports (sports) at the Hangzhou Asian Games include several sports. This article will provide information on sports lists that are included in the aquatic branch of the Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games.

In general, aquatic sports are sports carried out in water. This sports arena is usually done in water pools whose qualifications are adjusted to the allocation of sports. At the Hangzhou Asian Games itself, the aquatic consists of several sports, namely as follows.

In general, swimming is a sport carried out in an indoor pool. This activity is carried out by moving from one point to another. In swimming competitions, what is competed is movement or swimming style such as freestyle, butterfly style, backstroke, and so on.

Swimmers are declared victorious if they meet the criteria starting from the movement, the time they manage to achieve when completing cross-swimming distances, and so on.

Open water swimming is one of the dissiplik swimming that is done outdoors. Usually, the location of this sport is carried out in open waters such as lakes, rivers, and even the sea. In contrast to indoor swimming in an artificial swimming pool.

Usually open water swimming athletes have to cover a distance of up to thousands of kilometers in open waters. Therefore, athletes not only have to have good swimming techniques but must be supported by good stamina.

Different from other aquatic sports, water polo is a water sport carried out in a team. The water polo athletes, consisting of six players and one goalkeeper, must be in the pool. This sport is similar to football because they are required to score goals against the opponent as much as possible.

The water polo sport is held in four rounds. The duration of each round is delapa minutes. While the break per round is two minutes. However, in the time of change between the third and fourth rounds the rest time is longer, namely five minutes. Each goal half has to move alternately.

Swimming is a water sport that combines gymnastics, swimming skills, and dances performed in water. This sport is quite difficult to do because athletes must have a lot of physical and cohesive abilities.

The athletic movement in beautiful swimming is carried out in water and is choreographed with music. Athletes participating in this sport must have strong stamina and sensitivity to music so that their movements are in harmony.

As the name suggests, diving is a water sport that is done by jumping from a height towards the swimming pool. This sport not only involves strength but courage to the flexibility of the body. Athletes who jump are usually able to make movements turning back and forth in the air before arriving in the water.

The height of the jumping board in this sport also varies from 3, 5, to 10 meters. Meanwhile, the depth of the pond chosen for the competition is usually five meters.

That's information related to aquatic sports. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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