
JAKARTA - Indonesian badminton legend Taufik Hidayat sees the potential of Ester Nurumi Tri Wardoyo as Indonesia's future badminton player following her victory in winning the women's singles title in two international tournaments in Medan. "I am amazed by the achievements made by Ester," said Taufik Hidayat in Medan, quoted from Antara, Sunday, September 10. Taufik also handed over medals to Ester, the women's singles champion of the 2023 BNI Indonesia Master badminton tournament. In addition to being the 2023 BNI Indonesia Masters champion, Ester Nurumi Tri Wardoyo previously also triumphed at Xpora Indonesia International Challenge 2023 The 2004 Athens Olympic gold medalist admitted that this was the first time she had seen Ester play and according to her Ester was very promising. “ I'm seeing Ester play for the first time. I think she's a talented player and I'm very happy to see the progress she showed, especially in the two tournaments held in Medan,” said the legend who was born on August 10, 1981. "I think he is like a 'diamond' (permata) who needs a good polesan. All parties must work together to help him become a finished and accomplished player," said Taufik. The 1997 edition of the Asian Junior Championships champion hopes that Ester Nurumi Tri Wardoyo's performance in the future can develop even more. For this reason, the man from Bandung hopes that all parties will jointly provide support for the progress of the development of his main athletes at the Cipayung National Training Center. “ Seeing the achievements made by Ester now only has all the elements to support each other for the progress of its athletes. This collaboration is needed to continue to provide achievements for Indonesian badminton, ” added the six-time champion of the Indonesia Open tournament.

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