
YOGYAKARTA - basket fans are certainly familiar with the lay-up method. This is a very easy method and has a large and accurate shot success rate. Then what is a lay-up?

Lay Up is a ball loop that goes to the ring by floating, which is tried by using one hand, be it the right hand or the left hand which aims to get the point. For those of you who often play Basketball, it must be very easy to carry out this Lay Up shot and this method is a very easy method and has a large and accurate shot success rate because it is tried from a distance that is relatively closer to the basket.

The method of implementing Lay Up Shoot can be trained by using the method of implementing a drible on the free throw line (Free Shot) and continued by jumping with one foot alternately and after a distance it is considered close and allows to carry out fire until it is continued with a jump accompanied by a jump.

The ball shot into the ring. The point is that all Basketball players are required to understand the Lay Up Shoot method, this matter aims to make it easier to carry out fire and attack in the ring/Kerjang direction.

Methods To Implement Lay Up Shoot Engineering In Basketball Games

In carrying out the notonic lay-up shot, which was first mastered, it was a method of dribble or being mendrible to the ball because this matter is one of the supports in the success of the lay-up, here are steps to carry out the lay-up in basketball:

In hitting the shot, the ball's direction to the strategic point is to lie in the square right on the reflection board, because this point will reduce the reflection of the ball and will drop the ball into the ring.

In launching the throw, the ball should concentrate on a strategic point, which is located on the left square on the reflection board, because this point will reduce the reflection of the ball and will drop the ball into the ring.

Carrying out the lay-up shot method, the body is not rigid and relaxed because if it is tense and stiff, the ball that is shot will be less perfect, especially if it will be far from the target it is expected.

Various Lay Ups

Lay-up consists of 2 varieties. Namely Reserve Lay- Up and Power Lay- Up, each method has its own meaning:

Reserve lay-up

It is a method that is generally tried if a player is at the bottom of the ring or so close to the ring. This position allows players to carry out basic lay-ups. In this method, players will wear sides that are contrary to the layer-up when firing balls.

Power lay-up

It was the method of shooting the ball with both hands. The shot distance is also quite close to the ring.

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