
JAKARTA - The U-23 Indonesian national team was defeated by Vietnam through a penalty shootout that ended 5-6 in the AFF U-23 Cup final which took place at Rayong Province Stadium, Thailand. As reported by ANTARA, Saturday, August 26, at the start of the match Indonesia got a chance in the sixth minute, when a cross from Alfreandra Dewangga was blocked by Vietnam's goalkeeper. In the 12th minute Beckham Putra's "solo run" was able to pass through four Vietnamese players, but Beckham failed to fire an accurate shot and wide on the right side of Vietnam's goal. The cross from Haykal on the right side failed to be reached by Abdulrahman in the 17th minute. The Garuda Muda team continued to press Vietnam, as a result, in the 19th minute Dewangga's left foot kick was still blocked by Vietnam's defense. In the 25th minute, Indonesia got a chance through a free kick after Beckham Putra was stopped by Vietnamese player Nguyen Ngoc Thang. However, Rifky's strike that targeted the near post was able to be parried by Vietnam goalkeeper Quan Van Chuan.Vietnam had a golden opportunity in the 30th minute after midfielder Nguyen Minh Quang's shot hit the post. Nguyen Minh Quang who tried to chase a wild ball was tackled by Dewangga in the penalty box. Nguyen Quoc Viet's penalty kick on the right side was easily parried by goalkeeper Ernando Ari. Coach Shin Tae-yong's team continued to dictate the game through attacks on the two wing sector lines. However, until the final whistle of the first half, the score lasted 0-0. At the start of the second half, Robby Darwis' throw-in was able to be kicked by Beckham Putra but was still able to be blocked by Vietnamese players. The Garuda Muda team continued to attack through a corner kick scheme, Ferarri's header in the 48th minute was still wide to the right side of the Vietnam goal. Ramadhan Sananta's free kick at the near post almost made Indonesia ahead in the 54th minute, but his shot was scored by the goalkeeper. Shot action from Vietnamese player Nguyen Minh Quang in the 70th minute Still wide from the goal of Ernando Ari. Shots from outside the Sananta penalty box in the 75th minute were still saved by the goal post. In the 80th minute, a shot from close range Nguyen Minh Quang was still easily caught by Ernando. In the 81st minute through Beckham's breakthrough bait, Haikal's kick still couldn't penetrate Vietnam's goal. Until the second half whistle ended, no chance was created and the score lasted 0-0. In the 110th minute, Indonesia got a chance through Sananta but failed. to outwit goalkeepers. Frengky's wild ball was kicked off the post. Until the end of time, no dangerous chances were produced by both teams. The match continued into the penalty shootout round. In the Indonesian penalty shootout, the advantage opened through the Dewangga captain, 1-0. Nguyen Duc Viet's shot was able to equalize for Vietnam, 1-1. Arkhan Fikri was able to increase Indonesia's advantage to 2-1. Dinh Xuan Tien's kick was able to equalize 2-2. Frengky's shot brought Indonesia back to the 3-2 lead. Then Le Nguyen Hoang equalized 3-3. Kelly's shot into the right corner of the goal put Indonesia 4-3 up. Tran Nam Hai brought Vietnam to equalize 4-4.Sananta was able to strike the ball and sent the Garuda Muda team back to lead 5-4. Luong Duy Cuong then equalized to 5-5.Ernando's shot was saved by Quan Van Chuan and then Thai Ba Dat's shot was able to trick Ernando which made the penalty shootout ended 6-5 for Vietnam's victory.

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