
YOGYAKARTA The healthy heart exercise movement is very easy to practice. You can do this to strengthen your heart muscle, improve your heart function, and increase the flow of oxygen throughout your body.

In addition, applying healthy heart exercises is also useful for maintaining ideal weight, preventing damage to blood vessels, lowering blood sugar levels, cholesterol and blood pressure.

So, what are the healthy heart exercises that can be practiced at home? Check out the full information below

Healthy heart dynamics have varied movements and consists of various series of aerobics or basic cardio exercises. The speed is also varied, ranging from light, moderate, to severe intensity.

Summarized from various sources, here are some healthy heart exercises that you can practice at home:

1. Quat jump

This movement begins by standing upright and then squatting. When squatting, try to get your butt in a position like you will sit and your back straight to form a 45-degree angle. Then, jump and land in a squatting position as before. Do this movement several times.

2. Mountain climates

Mountain climates are included in the intense gymnastics movement. If you've just tried this movement, start slowly and increase speed gradually.

How to do the mountain climates movement, namely:

3. Burpees

The burpees movement is a healthy heart exercise movement that combines squat, jump, and push-up movements. How to do it, namely:

4. Jogging on the spot

Jogging in place is a movement to increase heart rate. This one healthy heart exercise movement is very suitable as a warm-up before starting a heavier movement.

You can jogging on the spot for 30-60 seconds. To avoid boredom, you can do variations in movement by lifting your knees towards your chest, raising your heels towards your buttocks, or turning your arms around.

5. Jumping jacks

The last healthy heart exercise movement is jumping jacks. This movement is quite easy to practice. You just jump while opening your legs about as wide as your shoulders and covering both hands on your head. You can also do variations by starting this movement from half squatting or squat positions.

Tips Get Optimal Results From Healthy Heart Gymnastics Movement

So that you get optimal results, do the following tips:

This is information about healthy heart exercises. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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