
YOGYAKARTA Exercises form muscle masses, such as lifting weights, are not allowed every day. A number of research actually proves that you are obliged to balance your exercise time with rest if you want to get stronger muscles. So, how much is the ideal time to rest after lifting the burden?

A study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research in 2011 states that the ideal time to rest muscles after working hard is 48 hours or two days.

Previous research in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Experts also showed similar results. Rest for one to two days is enough to restore muscle strength.

However, this rest time depends on how hard you exercise in a day. The more intense the exercise forms the muscle mass you do, the easier your body will adapt to pressure so that the required rest time may not be as much as for beginners.

Well, for beginners who want to form muscle mass through weightlifting training, you should rest your body every third day.

For example, Monday and Tuesday you have intense exercise. Keep on Wednesday. Continue with exercise again on Thursday and Friday, then take a break on Saturday and Sunday.

Meanwhile, if you have done weightlifting exercises often, take care of them at least once a week. But every eight weeks, try to rest for a whole week.

When resting your body, you are advised to avoid severe physical activity, especially those that require muscle strength and resistance.

In addition, you are also surprised to train different muscles of the body. Avoid training the same muscle parts (for example arm muscles) continuously for a week without pause. It is better to compete with belly or leg muscle exercises. This will provide an opportunity for the muscles of your arm to rest and grow stronger.

Body Signs Need To Rest From Weightlifting Exercises

For your information, the body will give a signal when you need rest time. If you feel any of the following signs, it may be time for you to rest your body from weightlifting exercises:

This is information about the ideal time of rest after lifting the burden. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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