
YOGYAKARTA - In football matches, there are often violations, both light and heavy. The tense and hot atmosphere during matches on the green field often triggers the emotions of the players to commit fatal or dangerous violations. So what are the fatal violations in football?

Serious or dangerous violations are acts that threaten the safety of players, opponents, or even referees. Violations of this type are violations that are taken seriously because they can cause severe injury. There are several fatal violations in football that need to be avoided.

The following is a list of fatal violations in football that players should not commit:

Tackling yang dilakukan dengan keras merupakan salah satu pelanggaran fatal dalam sepak bola. Tackling yang dimaksud adalah menggogal pemain lawan secara lebih dan tanpa memperhatikan keselamatan. Tindakan ini bisa berupa bentuk bentrak berlebihan, geratan tackling dengan kaki tinggi, atau hingga keki yang diayunkan dengan keras.

Tackling from behind is also included in the type of fatal violation. Tackling which is carried out from behind hard and without paying attention to the opponent's position or movement, can cause players to fall until injury. Because the opponent is not ready or shocked, the potential for injury is even greater.

Another type of fatal violation is a kick to the back or to the neck of the opponent. In addition to violating the rules for lifting foot that are too high, this action can also cause spinal cord and neck injuries. Both parts of the body are vital areas and prone to serious injuries

Taking a shot too high is also one of the most dangerous violations. This action is often taken when players want to win an air ball with their feet, instead of wearing their head.

This high kick can cause opposing players to suffer head injuries, chest, and neck and shoulders. If this kick hits the head area, it can cause the head to bleed to a concussion.

When high emotions are in control of the players, they often kick hard at their opponents. For example, kicking strongly to win the ball which is being controlled by the opponent.

This action can result in serious injuries, such as cracked legs. Especially if the kick is done on the Bagan body area over players such as the stomach and chest, and when the opponent has no chance to avoid it.

Elbowing or the movement also includes fatal violations if it is done hard. Especially if the act of inserting hits the opponent's vital areas, such as the stomach, chest, neck, and head.

In some cases, there are players who deliberately use elbows to injure the opposing player. For example, slipping into the temple or the opponent's back head can cause a serious head injury.

Often when he is emotional, players lose control and use their hands to hit the opponent on purpose. Hitting the opponent hard is one of the serious violations that can cause severe injuries. For example, when a player hits in the area of his opponent's head, stomach, or chest.

Charges or slams can also be found in football matches when players are in high emotional condition. Going hard without paying attention to the safety of the opponent is a serious violation.

Provocative actions also often occur in football matches. The actions in question include trampled or committing acts of violence outside of a fight for a ball that can cause injury or injure an opposing player.

Those are some of the fatal relaxations in football games that players should not do because they can cause serious injuries that threaten their lives. Players who take a number of actions above will be subject to severe punishment.

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