
YOGYAKARTA - recreational sports is one of the fun activities to fill holidays or weekends. Unlike heavy sports or competition, this type of sport is carried out with the aims of entertainment, pleasure, and relaxation. So what are the types of recreational sports?

Relaxation is usually done in the open and more relaxed because. However, this sport is still useful for maintaining fitness and improving physical health.

This type of sport is generally carried out in a crowd with friends or family to get fun and fun vibes. However, there are also those who undergo recreational exercise alone. If you want to pull out of the hustle and bustle of urban bustle or busy work, there are several types of recreational sports that you can do.

Relaxation is a means to maintain worklife balance. To avoid stress and burnout, here are some recommendations for recreational sports that you can choose from.

Hiking is a mountain climbing activity carried out by walking up and down the mountain slope and along the forest. Generally, this activity is carried out in groups as part of a nature-loving unit activity program, which is usually present in schools, campuses, and the general community.

The mountain climbing activity presents both an exciting and challenging experience. When climbing the mountain, you can enjoy the panorama of nature along the journey of climbing and through exciting tracks to reach the top of the mountain.

Snorkeling is a swimming activity or diving with the help of snorkel equipment. Snorkel is a "J" letter-shaped device that functions as an air channel for breathing assistance in the water. Divers use snorkels to breathe air through the mouth without the need to lift their heads to the surface of the water.

By using a snorkel device, divers can enjoy underwater beauty without having trouble regulating their breathing. Snorkeling activities can be followed by everyone, even those who can't swim. For those who don't have the ability to swim or float, you can wear life jackets.

Other recreational sports that can be done in water are swimming. This activity is widely popular because in addition to refreshing the body, it also has benefits for the health of the body. In addition, swimming is known to have a low risk of injury and has a positive impact on mental health.

A study says that swimming activities are associated with reducing the risk of death by up to 28%. Swimming is not only an opportunity to have fun with friends, but also to keep the body healthy and avoid disease.

Fun badminton is also one of the most popular recreational sports. To do this sport, you only need equipment in the form of rackets and badminton shoes. A study in the Journal of Sports Sciences shows that playing badminton can reduce the risk of death by 47%, with a decrease in the risk of death from cardiovascular problems reaching 59%.

The type of recreational exercise that is also mostly done is cycling. To find a refreshing recreational experience, outdoor cycling is a very recommended choice.

A study published in the journal Preventive Medicine states that people who regularly cycle for 30 minutes every day for five days a week tend to be healthier and rarely fall ill.

Horseing is also included in the type of recreational exercise that is entertaining and healthy. But if you are still a beginner or are just trying to ride a horse, then it is advisable to ask for guidance from an experienced coach. Horseing has a positive impact on body fitness and mental health.

Those are recommendations for recreational sports that you can do to maintain a worklife balance in the midst of busy work. Relaxation needs to be done because it has many benefits not only for physical fitness, but also for maintaining mental health and mind.

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