
YOGYAKARTA 'Squat' is one way to train the lower muscles and muscle cores. squat sports are mostly done by the community. However, not everyone knows how to do the right squat.

The following article will help understand what a squat is and how to do a proper squat so as not to have a negative impact on other parts of the body.

Reporting from AI Care, squat is a movement that helps strengthen the lower muscles because it involves many muscles such as the muscles of the thigh, hip, stomach, back, and even arms.

Squat harus dilakukan dengan tepat. Pasalnya, gerasan squat yang keliru akan membawa dampak berupa rasa tidak nyaman bahkan sakit pada turut. Selain itu squat yang keliru akan memicu luka pada knee. Sedangkan geraan squat yang benar adalah sebagai berikut, dikutip dari berbagai sumber.

Squat is mostly done because it doesn't need tools and can be done anywhere and anytime. Apart from that, the squat also has a good impact on health. The benefits of the squat are as follows.

Apart from paying attention to the movement, there are many things that must be considered when doing squats. Here are tips for doing squats to avoid injury.

That's information about how to do a squat. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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