
JAKARTA President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) asked the Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) Dito Ariotedjo to prioritize certain sports (sports) to appear in the 2023 SEA Games.

Dito revealed that the message was conveyed by President Jokowi after he was appointed as Minister of Youth and Sports replacing Zainudin Amali at the State Palace on Monday, April 3, 2023 evening, western Indonesia time.

"There are three points from the President. First, the President wants us to prioritize sports that have medal potential," Dito said at a press conference.

The Cambodian SEA Games will take place from 5 to 17 May. This is the first time Cambodia has hosted a multi-sport in the Southeast Asian region.

The biennial event will compete in 44 sports with 632 numbers. From the sport being competed, the hosts only included 21 Olympic branches.

The rest are more traditional sports and numbers outside the Olympics. Indonesia itself has not announced how many sports and athletes have been sent.

Dito said Jokowi asked that the sports sent must have great medal potential. "So, it must be efficient but we get the best medal results," said Dito.

In addition to the tasks above, Dito was also given two other tasks by Jokowi. One of them is developing the sports industry.

"Second, we want the sports competition leagues to still be held at the level of school and college education and also for our community we are asked to promote leagues between villages. Third, we want the Indonesian sports industry ecosystem to be more advanced," said Dito.

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