
YOGYAKARTA Cycling is one of the physical activities you can do to maintain your body's fitness while fasting. However, you need to pay attention to tips on cycling while fasting so you don't get tired, limp, and quickly hungry.

Cycling when fasting cannot be done carelessly so that your immune system does not decrease. You can still perform fasting as long as you do it in the right portion.

Summarized from various sources, Saturday, April 1, 2023, here are tips on cycling in the fasting month that need to be considered.

When cycling on the fasting month, avoid forcing your energy. Many cyclists are tempted when there is a challenging incline to beat, or go as fast as they can when crossing their derivatives.

If on a regular day it takes 1 hour to cover a distance of 20 km, then at the time of fasting, add the time allocation to 1.5 hours.

This can help you lose a lot of energy due to forcing energy. By cycling more casually, you won't lose much energy and fasting remains smooth.

Before being different, define your goals. Cycling without a purpose, especially when you areasa will make you tired quickly.

So that your energy is not drained, avoid cycling at a long distance. Related to this, you are advised to cycle at a distance of less than 20 km.

In addition, avoid routes that have a very dark history of traffic jams, so you don't get emotional in the middle of the road.

The right time to ride a bicycle while fasting is after dawn or before the Maghrib bedug.

Taking a bicycle when you are upright will spend a lot of stamina. Avoid traffic jams such as school hours or office hours.

The concept on the green line will give a fresh impression. In addition, thick trees on the side of the road will make you more comfortable and avoid direct sunlight that penetrates the skin.

Invite other cyclists to participate in cycling activities. In addition, you can also make a cycling event and break the fast together or bicycle before dawn.

Cycling with colleagues or relatives will feel more enjoyable. That way, you will not feel tired or weak even though you areasa.

If you want to ride a bicycle while fasting, you should eat nutritious food during sahur. This will help you stay powerful even if you do bicycle exercise.

If you don't eat suhoor, it's better to cancel cycling.

Don't force physical to cycle. Take a lot of breath to refill oxygen in the reduced blood because it is used during the energy burning process.

That's information about cycling tips during fasting. To get other interesting news, keep reading VOI.ID.

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