
JAKARTA - Former Barcelona player, Dani Alves, went on a hunger strike in prison after his wife filed for divorce. Joana Sanz left Alves because her husband was caught in a rape case.

The former Brazilian national team star was jailed after being arrested on January 20. He was detained for reports that Alves raped a woman at a nightclub at the end of last year.

His wife Joana Sanz visited Alves in prison in February. At that time, there were many reports that the sexy model was demanding divorce.

According to a report from Spanish TV station Cuatro, Alves is now on a hunger strike at the prison where he was being held.

Sources told broadcaster Alves was "completely devastated and very nervous" after 29-year-old Joana told him she wanted to end their marriage.

The 39-year-old's strike took place after Joana deleted most of her photos with her husband from her Instagram.

The beautiful, born Tenerife, who married former Barcelona defender Alves in 2017, has yet to make official comments on the shocking report.

Previously, Alves was sacked by Mexican club UNAM Pumas after being detained by judges at Barcelona. The detention came after a 23-year-old woman claimed she was attacked by Alves in a luxury place on December 30.

Alves admitted before his arrest that he had never met the woman who accused him. However, in court hearings, the former Juventus player reportedly told the judge that he had consensual sex with the woman.

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