
JAKARTA - The Solo Manahan Stadium in Central Java Province is considered very ready for the U-20 World Cup soccer match.

This was stated by PSSI General Chair Erick Thohir while reviewing the Manahan Stadium with the Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) Zainudin Amali accompanied by the Director of Strategic Infrastructure of the Directorate General of Human Settlements at the Ministry of PUPR Essy Asiah, Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka, PSSI Deputy Chair Ratu Thasha and the Indonesian FIFA U-20 World Cup Organizing Committee (INAFOC). They carried out a thorough check of the preparations for the Solo Manahan Stadium for the U-20 World Cup.

"Alhamdulillah, if you look at the Manahan Stadium, Solo is very ready to hold the U-20 World Cup," said Erick Thohir after visiting Manahan Stadium in Solo, Central Java, Sunday.

Erick said that his party had previously seen directly to South Sumatra and Bandung and this Sunday at the Solo Manahan Stadium and then continued to Bali.

According to Erick, Solo is very important for everyone because the Manahan Stadium will be used for the final match and the plan to close the U-20 World Cup championship.

"Solo is very ready. It's just a small thing that must be maintained. One of them is about sponsorships. There should be no sponsors from FIFA who collide with activities around the stadium," he said.

This must be maintained and not a difficult job. His party will ask that the BUMN logo be temporarily closed during the U-20 World Cup.

"Because we have to make sure FIFA has a sponsor. I don't think Solo's Manahan Stadium has a problem because the treatment is very good. Just tidy up the grass again according to FIFA standards," he said.

According to him, Indonesia has a greater desire with ASEAN countries to host the 2034 World Cup. He said not to let the opportunity to hold the U-20 World Cup which is the second largest event in FIFA but not to do it optimally.

"Therefore, we are very serious by checking one by one to ensure regional readiness because this is the pride of our nation," he said.

Meanwhile, Menpora Zainudin Amali said the government had a commitment to preparing to host the U-20 World Cup. The government and INAFOC want to ensure that what has become the commitment of the local government goes well according to what has been mutually agreed upon.

According to the Minister of Youth and Sports, the commitment has the signature of the Governor, Regent or Mayor ready to host the U-20 World Cup. Solo, he said, was extraordinary because of the commitment of Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka, it has been confirmed to be the final place for the U-20 World Cup.

"I see how the government's commitment according to the agreement has been carried out properly by the local government. The Solo Manahan Stadium is very ready and the Surakarta Government is also ready to host a good one," he said.

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