Linesman's Task Is To Sign Football, Here's The Explanation
Illustration of football fields. (Unsplash)


YOGYAKARTA Did you know that in football, the linesman's job is to give a signal that also affects the course of the match. Then, what is the sign? Check out the following explanation.

In the world of football, the linesman is someone who is placed off the football line. In general, linseman is tasked with helping football referees make decisions relating to the course of the game. Simply put, linseman is the main referee's support in football.

Linesman can also be called a line judge or line referee. The linesman position in football is on the right and left sides of the field, off the side. When the football match takes place, the linesman is often found off the field. But that doesn't mean he can't enter the field when the game goes on.

According to the International Football Association Board (IFAB) based on Laws of the Game rules, the linesman under certain conditions has the right to enter the field to help oversee the game with a distance of 9.15 meters.

Unlike the main judge, the linesman did not carry a yellow or red card, but brought the flag stick used to signal the referee. In one match, two linesmans are needed on each side.

As previously said, there are two linesmans stationed on each side of the field. The first linesman task area is in the match area of Team A. While the second linesman will oversee the field area of Team B.

Although the linesman in general is the main referee supporter, the decision given by the linesman is able to influence the match. Matches can stop or be postponed with the consideration submitted by the linesman. Therefore, the position of the linesman in football that is quite large cannot be underestimated.

During the match, the linesman's duties are as follows.

It was previously explained that the linesman would signal the main referee in some conditions. The signal given is as follows.

In this condition, the linesman will run towards the point where the ball goes off the field while raising the flag. The direction of the flag determines which team has the right to throw inward. The flag is raised to the left, meaning an inward throw for the surviving team and vice versa.

Linesman will run into the corner of the field while lifting the flag he carries. For example, when the ball hits player A, the linesman will run into the corner of team A. That way team B takes a corner.

The linesman will mark the main referee during the substitution. The sign given is in the form of raising the flag over the head and tilting it.

At this time, the judge will raise the flag in a straight position on the offside line. This task is very crucial, so the active role of the linesman is very necessary.

The linesman's job is important. Visit VOI.ID to get interesting information.

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