
JAKARTA - MMA fighter from Indonesia, Jeka Saragih, continues to prepare ahead of his debut in the prestigious UFC event. Exercise after training was carried out by the fighter from North Sumatra.

In a video uploaded to his Instagram account, Jeka appears to be practicing the weighting technique. This technique is considered by a number of parties to be one of the weaknesses of the original Simalungun fighter.

Jeka also admitted this. It is reflected in the writing that accompanies the upload.

"Learning from mistakes will make me better," wrote Jeka.

The article relates to the defeat he suffered in the Road to UFC final, February 5. At that time, he had to admit the superiority of India's fighter, Anshul Jubli, in the second round of the match which took place at UFC Apex, Nevada, United States.

After that match, a number of fans assessed that Jeka still had a shortage. One of them is in terms of ground fighting. The technique from Jeka is also considered not perfect.

Now, he wants to perform better. The reason is, Jeka did not want to embarrass Indonesia's name at the UFC event.

As previously reported, Jeka Saragih finally still got a contract from the UFC even though he lost to Jubli. He has signed a five-fight contract at the prestigious event.

"Jeka Saragih and his manager, Graham Boylan, have signed a five-fight contract with the UFC, making Jeka the first fighter from Indonesia at the UFC," Mola's official statement said on February 9.

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