
JAKARTA - SOE Minister Erick Thohir was officially appointed as PSSI General Chair for the 2023-2027 period. The former Inter Milan President won the vote which was held at the PSSI Extraordinary Congress, Thursday, February 16.

Belum lama menjabat, Erick sudah punya rencana besar. Dia mengusulkan perubahan Statutea PSSI!

The change was related to the number of women on the Executive Committee (Exco) in the national football parent organization. He considered that the involvement of women in Exco PSSI was very lacking.

"I propose that the representation of women in football should be at least 20-25 percent, not just one person," Erick said as quoted by Antara.

Based on the 2019 PSSI Statute Article 38 Paragraph 2, at least one of the 12 members of the Exco PSSI is a woman. Based on her experience, it is very less when compared to regulations in the international sports world.

He said international sports require at least 30 percent of women in every management. For this reason, he emphasized that women should be more involved in football in the country.

"Why, for example, don't we try female referees? From my experience, when pushing for the number of women's leadership, the results are very pronounced," said Erick.

Apart from women, Erick also indicated that he would involve several young people in his management because it was related to the current generation era.

"The seniors encourage and become mentors. So we want to make a transformation of Indonesian football which has a foundation, not just a dream," Erick said.

Erick Thohir was elected as chairman of PSSI for the period 2023-2027 after getting 64 votes from voters (voters). He excels far from his strongest competitor, DPD RI Chairman LaNyalla Mattalitti, who won 22 votes.

KLB also chose Menpora Zainudin Amalai and former PSSI Secretary General Ratu Tisha Destria as PSSI Deputy General Chair.

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