
YOGYAKARTA - Golf is a sport that many of its players have long tried to "buy better games", through expensive tools and technology than lessons and exercises. If you think top-class clubs can improve your performance - or at least your status on the pitch - then Honma is the most expensive golf stick answer for you.

The honorable Japanese company has made golf clubs of very high quality for more than 60 years, and is industry-famous for its combination of traditional Japanese expertise, excellence, and careful attention to details with advanced design and constant technological upgrades.

One of the unique other factors that has helped make Honma a standout niche brand is the company making a very high-quality axis, the Vizard brand. Very few clubmakers have done this, despite the fact that the axis is the most important but least understood piece of hardware, the machine behind our ball is striking.

But the axis could be so inconsistent that third-party companies sprung up to robotically check quality at additional costs just to verify that customers got what they paid from the start, while Honma was known for making its axis with strict tolerance. As a result, they created a special axis for top professional players around the world. The various Honma irons have been the choice of Master Champion Charles Schwartz, who recently left the PGA Tur for LIV Golf - and soon won a controversial new $4 million first-hand wallet in London to start.

"We've been researching clubs because I'm getting ready to get a set for myself, something in a more regrettable "game increase" tone than the iron touring that Schwartz plays, and Honma makes models for average recreational players and low to medium-to-medium rappers."

But Honma also created a very special line of clubs for a third of small audiences, including celebrities, music and sports stars, as well as world leaders. The names that are rumored to be playing in BERES clubs range from film stars Jack Nicholson to former great players Roger Clemens, and in Japan they are considered ideal bonuses for high-performance company employees. The Japanese prime minister has given it as a diplomatic gift to foreign heads of state.

The BERES collection has almost no rivals and sits on the edge of pure luxury from the spectrum of the equipment, and for golf clubs like Hermes, Chanel or Louis Vuitton for wallets, striking but high-quality exhibition items. Depending on the number and model of the club chosen, a set typically reaches USD 40,000 but the top level reviewed by Golf Digest recently reached $58,500. In comparison, if you buy the most expensive driver, iron, wedges, and fairway wood of industry leader Taylor Made, you will be charged a fee of about $33,000 - and that's far more than most golfers spent.

Interestingly, while Honma makes wood and iron aimed at great golfers, the most expensive lineup is not for them, but for those who need more help, especially in terms of swinging and pardon speeds. According to Golf Digest, they provide results in this arena: "While the Honma BERES line from wood and ultra-premium iron makes headlines because of the use of 24 carat gold, there is another element that is actually more valuable for this product line, which is aimed at more moderate swing speeds and, of course, more elite wallets."

More valuable at least from the perspective of improving golf skills. In short, these clubs - drivers, fairway woods, hybrid, iron for men and women - aggressively inject new performances into golfers who are looking for all the speed they want.

But even though it's packaged in helpful technology, most people who buy BERES clubs do it to make statements, similar to buying supercars. Or as the golf equipment site says, "designed and produced exclusively by the most experienced Takumi of a clubmaker (Japanese expert craftsman with experience 20 to 30 years), this line is positioned as the world's most premium golf club."

That makes it a preferred club for sports celebrities, Hollywood stars, royal families, and presidents. For the rich, playing BERES is a characteristic comparable to driving a Ferrari or wearing a Rolex Submarine. It's a luxurious game full of grace."

BERES is actually present at a more affordable level as the four available levels range from 2 to 5 stars, with the initial level of a 2 star ranging "only" $850 for a driver, while the 5-star version of the same club is close to five thousand. However, in comparison, even the beginner rate is above, as the most expensive driver Taylor Made sells, a specialized version of the upper-level Stealth called MyStealthPlus is $700 and most of the premium brand's cutting-edge drivers are close to five hundred.

But again, most clubs from other brands don't have gold accents and platinum 24 carats. At BERES, as you go up to the star scale, you get more blurring, with a stunning finish touch and jewelry style aesthetics. Expect the design to be painted on the back of the setrica and top as well as the face of the driver. The two most recent additions are the collection of BERES Aizu and Black, all about the style. Aizu features a typical gold clubhead with an ornamentated red accent, while Black corresponds to its name with a dedicated physical black vapor deposition (PVD) process or a "thin film" process for striking final results.

The BERES ranks are present in the male and female versions, and you never seem to see them on the golf course. In terms of making statements, these are 5-Stars completely, and although these clubs can improve your game well, they are guaranteed to be the opening of conversations in the first tease, at your club and at the clubhouse, and for some customers, maybe enough. If sixteen thousand dollars for golf clubs are too expensive but you still want attention, you can buy a driver for $5.000 and still attract a lot of interest. I, I will go with something from Honma's star line.

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