
YOGYAKARTA - Talking about football is not only related to sports. But football is also business-related. A lot of money comes in and out of every football club. So which is the richest football club in the world?

The wealth of each football club certainly varies depending on the popularity, achievement, management, and others. The existence of various brands that become sponsors also affects the wealth of a football club.

Until now, the richest football clubs in the world are still dominated by clubs from Europe. The list of richest football clubs is also very familiar to the ears of round skin fans. Here's the richest football club in the world.

1. Real Madrid: $5.1 billion

2. Barcelona: $5.1 billion

3. Manchester United: $4.6 billion

4. Liverpool: $4.45 billion

5. Bayern Munich: $4,275 billion

6. Manchester City: $4.25 billion

7. Paris Saint-Germain: $3.2 billion

8. Chelsea: $3.1 billion

9. Juventus: $2.45 billion

10. Tottenham Hotspur: $2.35 billion

11. Arsenal: $2.05 billion

12. Borussia Dortmund: $1.5 billion

13. Atletico Madrid: $1.5 billion

14. AC Milan: $1.2 billion

15. Inter Milan: $1 billion

16. Everton: $940 million

17. Leicester City: $925 million

18. West Ham United: $900 million

19. Leeds United: 800 million

20. Aston Villa: $750 million

Football clubs earn money or income from several sources of income. Generally there are six income posts per football club. Here's how football clubs earn money in.

One of the sources of revenue for football clubs that have been known since time immemorial is stadium tickets. Football clubs can earn money from tickets sold. Especially if the club has a lot of fans, the ticket sales will be even higher.

The amount of revenue earned from tickets will depend on ticket prices and ticket nominal sales. The number of tickets sold is usually determined from the capacity of the stadium and the interest of the audience. For example, Manchester United has the largest stadium in the Premier League with a audience capacity of 74.994 seats. In the 2018-2019 season, MU can pocket revenue from ticket sales reaching 110.8 million or around Rp2 trillion.

Meanwhile, the most expensive ticket in the English league is sold by Arsenal. The entrance ticket price for the match is 95.5 pounds per person or equivalent to the range of IDR 1.8 million.

The source of income of the two football clubs comes from broadcasting rights. Even broadcasting rights are the biggest income received by football clubs. The biggest broadcasting rights are obtained by clubs from the Premier League. According to Deloitte Football Money, the portion of income from broadcasting rights can reach 50 percent of the club's total income in Europe in one season.

The amount of money from broadcasting rights depends heavily on the number of matches broadcast. For example, Liverpool, who is the English club with the most broadcasting rights income in the 2018-2019 season.

Football clubs also earn income from prize money in each competition. Money or prize money will be given to clubs that win or draw. There is also giving money to appear outside of wins and draws. This was enforced by UEFA in the Champion League. So winning or losing, the club that plays still gets money.

More income will be obtained by clubs that have won the competition, ranging from the Champion League, Europa League, leagues in each country, and others. For example, the Champions League, awarded 15 million euros or IDR 261 million. Meanwhile, runners-up positions received 10.5 million euros or IDR 182 billion.

Another income from football clubs comes from merchandise. However, the income from this post is not much compared to other sources of income. The club that got the biggest income from merchandise was Barcelona.

Barcelona is trying to adapt by reducing dependence on broadcasting rights. It focuses on improving business from commercial matters, such as merchandise and creative licensing activities. Last season, this Spanish big club managed to earn 385 million euros or IDR 6.6 trillion.

One of the most promising incomes for football clubs is sponsorship. The amount of income from sponsors depends heavily on the popularity of the football club name. The more often you get champions or achievements, then there are many sponsors who enter with the lure of big income.

Sponsors who enter football clubs can come from various brands or businesses. Starting from sports equipment brands, car brands, health products, skin care products, and others.

Football clubs also get income from player transfer activities. For example, when a club can sell players at fantastic prices, the profits can be used for other needs.

For example, a club buys young players at low prices. Then over time, the player shines more and the selling price increases drastically. It could also be that a club recruits players for free. Then the player has good achievements so that the selling price is expensive.

That's the review of the richest football club in the world. Real Madrid ranks the top as the richest club. The second and next positions are dominated by clubs from the English league.

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