
YOGYAKARTA - Golf is one of the most popular sports in Indonesia. This sport can be played by anyone, both women and men. There are a number of golf game regulations that must be understood by beginners before they want to play golf.

Golf is called a high class sport because it is identical to being played by the upper middle class. However, this sport is now played by many groups. Various cities in Indonesia now have many fields or golf courses for playing golf.

This little ball sport, if you look at it, seems easy or simple, but difficult to play for beginners. Novice golfers need to learn boxing techniques and game rules.

Golf courses have rules that golf players must understand and obey. Golf rules cover game formats, ball hitting techniques, pitches, and scores. Here's a golf game rule that you should know.

The main goal of the golf game is to put a small white ball into the hole in the golf course. In inserting the ball, the less hit, the better your value will be.

Golf is a sport played by one person. Generally, competitive golf matches are played in four rounds with 18 holes each. Players who complete the entire track using the fewest shots will be the winners.

The format of the game is called stroke play assessment. This format is also the most widely used in golf tournaments. There is an elimination or knockout system in the playing round.

Often cuts are made after the first two rounds. Only the player on top of the cut on the ranking board at that stage can play the last two laps. While the remaining players come out.

In golf with a stroke play format, the value of the draw or draw can be accepted. However, if the draw at the top of the ranking board, a playoffs will be played to determine the winner.

Each golf course or golf course consists of 18 holes. The hole is divided into the first nine holes and the remaining nine are behind.

But there are also certain golf courses that only have nine holes. In this field, the golf round will be repeated once to reach a round of 18 holes.

Each golf course usually has a different field or soil topography. Most golf course is covered with grass. Certain areas near the hole are marked as green or fairway. Grass in the hole area is cut shorter than rough ones and the surface is much smoother.

In golf courses there are also often trees, shrubs or even forests that surround them. In fact, it can all be in the playing area, which is often marked by a white stake. In addition, each hole has its respective terrain or challenges. There is a track in the form of a sand trap (small scattering of sand) to a puddle of water.

The score assessment in golf was taken from the total number of players who managed to put the ball into a hole. At the amateur level it usually takes more than one round (set 18 holes) to complete the game.

However, the assessment is not only based on the number of incoming ball shots. But every hole in the field has a predetermined par. Pars can be defined as the average number of punches that players do to resolve certain holes.

Here are examples or some specific terminology used to score in golf:

Demikianlah review peraturan permain golf, mulai dari format game, lapangan, hingga skornya. Selain sejumlah hal tersebut, Anda juga perlu memperhatikan perlatuan untuk bermain golf. Peralapan golf ada beragam dengan spesasi yang berbeda-beda.

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