
JAKARTA - Ducati Lenovo's Francesco Bagnaia won the MotoGP world title in 2022. He admitted that he could not be separated from the intervention of his mentor, Valentino Rossi.

Bagnaia said Rossi was one of the most influential in his career. Starting from the beginning to now becoming world champion.

"I asked Valentino to follow me as a coach. I know that it will be difficult for him to divide the time between the race and his family, but, in every race this season we talk on the phone and I can ask him a lot of questions," Bagnaia said on the official MotoGP website.

"When he comes to the circuit, I will always ask him to see me on the track so he can explain what happened and what I can improve."

The 26-year-old added that Rossi did not only provide advice and criticism for his appearance on the track. The Doctor turned out to be also Bagnaia's reminder to be able to control his emotions behind the wheel.

"He has always been our family idol. He taught me to stay calm, try and enjoy every moment and celebrate at the right time. His calm and simplicity are the most important things," Bagnaia said, as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, January 17.

Not only that, the man who is also familiarly called Pecco said the team that oversees him also has the same role as the mentor.

"I promised Ducati that the day I signed the contract -- I knew we would become World Champions together. I know that by bringing everything together, we will be able to achieve extraordinary results," he said.

On the other hand, Bagnaia also said that his life had changed quite a bit since he won the grand prize in the world motorcycle race.

"Sekali saya berpikir tentang fakta di mana-benar telah menjadi Champion Dunia. Namun, lebih dari itu, saya merasa senang ketika memikirkan fakta bahwa saya adalah orang fastest di dunia dengan sepeda motor," ujar Bagnaia.

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