
YOGYAKARTA - The PSSI Executive Committee (Exco) candidate registration process was officially closed by the PSSI Voters Committee on Monday (16/1). There are figures who are on the list of candidates for the General Chairperson of PPSI. There are 17 candidates for the deputy chairman position and 78 Exco members.

The names who enter the prospective candidate will be verified. Furthermore, it will be decided who is declared to meet the requirements. After that, they can appeal to the Electoral Appeal Committee.

Amir Burhanudin, Chairman of the PSSI Election Committee, said the name of the new candidate was determined after being verified. He said the data entered the PSSI Committee was still raw data. He also revealed that there were five candidates for PSS general chairman.

The names that are included as candidates for PSSI general chairman this time are quite surprising. There is the name of SOE Minister Erick Thohir on the list. A number of other candidates are already experienced in the field of Indonesian football. Here are five prospective PSSI Ketum candidates:

- La Nyalla Mattalitti

- Doni Setiabudi

- Erick Thohir

- Fary Djemy Francis

- Arief Putra

Ada 20 nama calon wakil ketum PSSI. Membelikannya, nama Menpora Zainudin Amali masuk sebagai bakal calonnya. Berikut daftar nama-namenya:

- Doni Setiabudi

- Fary Djemy Francis

- Queen Tisha

- Andre Rosiade

Hasani Abdulgani

- Zainudin Amali

- Yunus Nusi

- Ahmad Riyadh

- June Rahman

- Sadikin Aksa

- Iwan Budianto

- Azrul Ananda

- Syauqi Soeratno

- Dudi S

- Hasnuryadi Sulaiman

- Let's go

- Maya Damayanti

- Bambang Pamungkas

- Ponaryo Astaman

- Gede Widiade

There are as many as 83 people who are included in the list of candidates for Exco PSSI members. The following is a list of these names:

- Achmad Baidowi

- Achsanul Qosasi

- Adri Asril

- Agung Hezbul Wathan

- Agus Ambo Djiwa

- Agustiar Sabran

- Ahmad Riyadh

- Ahmad Susanto

- Ahmad Syauqi Soeratno

- Ahmed Zaki Iskandar

- Amir Burhanuddin

- Andre Rosiade

- Apung Widadi

- Arya Mahendra Sinulingga

- Azrul Ananda

- Bambang Tujiatno

- Build aniso Siagian

- Beni Erwin

- Bima Sinung Widagdo

- Budi Setiawan

- Bustami Zainudin

- Chaerul

- Daconi

- Dirk Soplanit

- Diza Rasyid Ali

- Djamal Aziz

- Doni Setiabudi

- Duddy S. Sutandi

- Effendi Syahputra

- Eko Setyawan

- Endri Erawan

- Fanny Irawatie

- Fary Djemy Francis

- Ganisa Pratiwi Rumpoko

- Gede Widiade

- Hadiyandra

Hasani Abdul Gani

- Hasnuryadi Sulaiman

- Husni Effendi Hasibuan

- I Ketut Suardana

- Imam Muhamad

- Indra DT. Rajo Lelo

- Jhon Wempi Wetipo

- June Rachman

- Khairul Anwar

- Kurniawan Dwi Yulianto

- Lexyndo Hakim

- Maya Damayanti

- Mirza Rinaldi

- Monica Desideria

- Muhammad

- Muhammad Jaelani Saputra

- Munafri Arifuddin

- Nirmala Dewi

- Paulus Kia Botoor

- Pieter Tanuri

- Purwanto

- Raffi Ahmad

- Queen Tisha

- Rocky Bebena

- Rudi Yulianto

- Sadikin Aksa

- Sigit Widodo

- Sofyan Lestaluhu

- Sonhaji

- Sumardji

- Syafril

- Syafril Nasution

- Teddy Tjahjono

- Tigor Sharom Boboy

- Tommy Apriantono

- Vivin Cahyani Sungkono

- Wempi Wetipo

- Let go of Oktavianus

- Yeyen Tumena

- Yosephine N BR Sembiring

- Yunus Nusi

- Zulkarnaen

- Benny Tomasoa

- HM Fadhil Rahmi

- Katno

- Rowland

- Sophan Ambika

That is information regarding the candidate for the General Chair of PSSI and its Deputy Candidate and the candidate for Exco PSSI members. The PSSI Election Committee will announce a candidate who passed the verification on January 31st.

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