
YOGYAKARTA - Warming or exercise must be done before starting exercise. Doing heavy exercise without warming first has the potential to make you injured or other risks. There are various warm-up movements before exercise that you can do.

Warming only requires easy or simple movements. You can warm up for no longer than a long time, for example five or seven minutes. Warming is useful for stimulating or moving your muscles and joints slowly before starting exercise.

Heating in exercise serves to avoid risks when exercising, such as leg injuries, hands, and others. In addition to preparing muscles and joints, heating is also useful for activating the central nervous system.

Here are a number of warm-up movements that you need to do so you can exercise more optimally.

This movement is useful for activating the joints and muscles in your arm. In addition, when you swing your arms, the joints on your shoulders and back will work. Here's how to do it:

This movement serves to activate the muscles in the legs. When you squat and stand repeatedly, a number of autos on the legs will be moved, such as the calf muscles, heels, thighs, and hips. In addition, this move also trains your breathing. Here's how to do it:

This movement can make a lot of muscles and joints in your body work. Jack loops function to stimulate leg muscles, arms, and shoulders. This movement also trains breathing and increases stamina. Here's how to do it:

This movement is useful for stimulating muscles and joints in the neck. When you play your head repeatedly, your neck will be active and more flexible. Here's how to do it:

This movement serves to activate muscles and joints at the bottom of your body. When doing lateral kicks, your legs and hips will work. Here's how to do it:

This movement is almost similar to push-ups. The difference is when doing this movement, you don't lower your body, but move both legs like climbing alternately. This movement functions to stimulate leg muscles and train breathing. Here's how to do it.

Those are a number of warm-up movements before exercise that you can do easily. Always remember to warm up first before starting weight sports.

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