
YOGYAKARTA The risk of mischoose sports shoes must be known so that you do not suffer a leg injury during physical exercise.

Wearing footwear that is not right during exercise can bring many health problems. Body parts that are often injured when exercising are usually ankles, waists, pelvis, knees, and feet. However, this can be minimized by wearing the right footwear.

So, what risks may arise due to choosing the wrong sports shoes? To find out the answer, see the following reviews.

Wearing sports shoes that are too tight, too loose or not enough to support physical activity, can put excessive pressure on the legs and other joints. This can cause pain and injury.

Compiled by VOI from various sources, Saturday, December 31, 2022, here are some health problems that may arise as a result of wearing inappropriate sports shoes:

The possibility of injury while doing sports can increase if the footwear you wear is not specially designed for physical exercise. For example, there are different requirements for beach running shoes with shoes for jogging.

Quoted from the Betterhealth page, Saturday, December 31, 2022, wearing the wrong shoes can exacerbate existing problems such as pain or hip arthritis, knees, ankles, or feet.

Wearing the wrong sports shoes can also cause pain to the bone and joints even if worn in a short duration.

Still from Betterhealth, Bunion is a bone bump formed on the joints at the base of the thumb. This condition can be caused by the use of shoes that are too tight and narrow.

Burnion sufferers, the tip of their thumb will be attracted towards a smaller toe and forcing the joints at the base of the toe of the foot to become more prominent.

Adapting the WebMD, wearing inappropriate sports shoes can make your legs abrasions, sprains, and even swelling. In addition, improper sports shoes also increase the risk of a ship.

Wearing the wrong footwear can cause pain in your father's plantar, which is a tissue on the heels. Your thumb will feel pain from continuous pain that occurs when you run without protection from the right shoes.

The wrong shoes cannot reduce the hardness of shaking your legs while exercising. This is what can cause a fracture in your leg due to the repetition you do.

Exercise regularly can reduce the occurrence of calcification in the joints. However, wearing the wrong shoes will actually increase the risk of stuffing earlier. This is because the shoes you wear cannot support and perfect the sports movements you do.

That's information about the risk of mischoose sports shoes. Hopefully this can make you more careful in choosing shoes and preventing you from getting injured while exercising.

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