
YOGYAKARTA - Bribe is a fun sport that is done by children and adults. Activities in this water make the body and mind feel fresh. In addition, not many people know that there are many benefits of swimming for the elderly.

Many people think that the elderly are not advised to swim because of age factors. Old bodies are considered prone to pain while swimming. Even though swimming can provide various benefits for the elderly, ranging from physical to psychological health.

Extortion can have a positive effect on the elderly, where their physical and mental conditions are decreasing. Liability is one of the sports that helps the elderly maintain their body fitness.

Fighting provides many benefits for everyone who treats you, from children, adults, to the elderly. While swimming, all muscles and joints will move. In addition, breathing is trained. Here are some benefits of swimming for the elderly.

The elderly do not have much energy like young people and do not move much. This condition makes the elderly vulnerable to osteoporosis. This bone disease can attack undetected. If left unchecked, it is possible to experience fractures due to collisions, collisions, crashes, or other activities.

The risk of osteoporosis can be minimized by diligently exercising. Bribe is a safer choice of sport for the elderly because of the low risk of falling or experiencing fractures.

Various health journals say that swimming can increase muscle strength throughout the body. While swimming, muscles throughout the body will work. In addition, swimming can also reduce pain, increase balance, to help relax.

Extortion does not only play a good role in physical health, but also for brain performance. The older a person is, the brain volume also decreases by 5 percent per decade, and will shrink drastically after the age of 40.

A study from the American Academy of Neurology in Toronto, Canada, revealed that elderly people who carry out routine activities have a bigger and more active brain than those who do not. The various activities in question include swimming, gardening, writing, walking, and others.

Parents are prone to stress due to many factors. If left alone, of course, it is very dangerous for physical and psychological health. One way to reduce anxiety or anxiety is to exercise.

When exercising, you will be able to control your anger so that feelings and thoughts become calmer. In addition, swimming can also encourage heart performance that is useful for dealing with stress. Research conducted by Daniel Landers found that 60 percent of the regular exercise of penchant for reducing symptoms of depression without medication.

Sports activity can increase the hormones of dopamine, adrenaline, endorphins, and serotonin. Likewise when you swim. These produced hormones function to increase endurance. In addition, touch or wetting of water in a pond can cause a sense of relaxation and comfort.

It is also a means of interacting and chatting for the elderly. These activities are useful for eliminating the boredom experienced by the elderly. Notebene the elderly usually just stay at home and no longer have many friends to communicate with.

While in the swimming pool, the elderly can interact with other elderly people or people from various ages. The elderly can chat with each other until they laugh. In addition to the pool, the elderly can also relax in a cafe provided by the pool owner.

Those are some of the benefits of swimming for the elderly. So don't hesitate to invite your parents or grandparents to swim together. But don't forget to always pay attention to his condition while in the swimming pool.

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