
JAKARTA - Lionel Messi's success in bringing Argentina home the 2022 World Cup trophy has made him a concern, including all uploads on social media.

Messi's photo is recorded to exceed the number of likes that Cristiano Ronaldo once had as the most. But, in addition, the record likes for these two field stars is still less than a photo with pictures of eggs.

Still in the euphoria of Argentina's victory, La Pulga shared the moment of the celebration of victory in the latest 10 photos on Instagram. Interestingly, until this news was written, the number of likes for the photo reached 55.6 million.

From VOI.ID's observation, the number of likes made Messi surpass Ronaldo's photo-like record which shows his togetherness with Messi while playing a catue for Louis Vuitton commercials. The commercial photo received 42 million likes.

However, in fact, the number of Messi's photo likes that broke Ronaldo's record is still inferior to the world's most preferred photo record, namely The Egg belonging to @World_Record_Egg. The upload, which was shared in 2019, only shows a picture of an egg with a white background, but the number of likes reached 56.2 million.

Messi managed to bring Argentina to world champions after beating France on penalties in the final match with a score of 4-2, Sunday 18 December night WIB. The match went hot because the score had drawn 3-3 for 120 minutes.

The 2022 World Cup title, which was won in Qatar, also ended Albiceleste's 36-year wait to triumph again, after the last 1986. This is also Argentina's third title during the World Cup.

Not only being proud of Argentina, this sweet result at the World Cup also made Messi finally able to prove himself as GOAT, aka the best of all time and at the same time end the debate over his status with Ronaldo.

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