
JAKARTA - Lionel Messi's task with the Argentine national team has ended. La Pulga successfully led his country to win the 2022 World Cup.

Now Messi can calmly think about his future at Paris Saint-Germain (PSG). As is known, the former Argentine player's contract will expire at the end of the 2022/2023 season.

PSG still expects Messi to survive. Even the club president Nasser Al-Khelaifi said any decision on a new deal would be made in the best interests of both sides.

However, Al-Khelaifi emphasized that contract talks will not last until the new year.

"The club and players will do what is right and for the best of both sides. We are all very happy now," Al-Khelaifi said in an interview with La Gazzetta Dello Sport.

Laporan selama Piala Dunia menyebut, Messi telah menyetujui persyaratan dengan tim Major League Soccer Inter Miami. Namun, hal tersebut sudah dibantah oleh agennya.

In addition to focusing on defending Messi, PSG is also busy defending Kylian Mbappe. Even though he just signed a new contract, the player's chances of moving remain open.

"Kylian has just signed a new contract, and Leo has survived at least until the end of the season. In fact, all of our players are happy to play for PSG," said Al-Khelaifi.

"Their latest performance proves it, even before the World Cup. PSG has never lost a single game so far," continued the president.

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