
JAKARTA - The final series of 76 Indonesian Downstream (IDH) 2022 will take place at Ternadi Bike Park, Kudus, Central Java on 10-11 December. There are 193 best riders who will take part in this last series.

Competition is predicted to be fierce considering the participants will look for maximum points. The goal is to secure the podium position from the ten categories contested.

Please note, the ten categories competed in this event are Men Elite, Women Elite, Men Junior, Men Master A, Men Master B, Men Master C, Men Sport A, Men Sport B, Men Youth and Women Youth.

Representative of 76 Rider, Agnes Wuisan said, the participants must have the perfect physical and mental to be able to beat Ternadi Bike Park. This circuit is registered in Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) in category C1.

That means, the track that will be labeled by the riders has the most extreme obstacle, both in terms of elevation (levels) and in terms of the track.

"In terms of track, this track (Ternadi Bike Park) is always faster and more challenging. Coupled with objects such as drop, rock garden, double jump and table top which are the challenges of the participants," Agnes said as quoted by Antara, Saturday, December 3, 2022.

"This is certainly very challenging, especially for the Elite class. It's just not enough," he continued.

Downhiller who won the 2019 Philippines SEA Games bronze medal, Andy Prayoga even had to play a strategy to beat the steepest Ternadi Bike Park track. Andy was forced to change his training pattern ahead of the second series of competitions later.

Andy's struggle to achieve maximum results is also getting tougher due to the potential for rain while competing at Ternadi Bike Park.

"In addition to focusing on recovery, I also try to map the Ternadi Bike Park track because the standards are international. The track is a favorite of all riders because it is steep and high speed. Hopefully my condition can be more fit so that I can compete optimally on D later," Andy said.

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