2 Days Towards The 2022 World Cup: Understanding What's Prohibited In Qatar
Illustration of the World Cup (Photo: fifa.com)


JAKARTA - Qatar is expected to accommodate about one million visitors during the 2022 World Cup, starting on November 20.

However, there are many criticisms of the host country, as there are many things to be considered as parties that Qatar does not respect human rights.

The country has many boundaries that are never heard of in the western world.

For example, if any visitors are caught on drugs, they will be fined 51 thousand euros and can even be jailed between seven and 15 years.

Another rule is that women are not allowed to wear low-cut neck lines and their shoulders must be covered. In addition, their clothes must be in the form of knee-length pants or long dresses.

Another rule that visitors must remember is that showing lust for lust is not allowed, so fans must be careful when they are excited.

It should also be remembered that sex outside of marriage is threatened with a sentence of seven years in prison.

Another problem that continues to spark turmoil is the prohibition of same-sex relationships. Fans are warned not to wear anything in public representing the LGTB community for being sentenced to imprisonment for up to five years.

Finally, supporters are not allowed to drink alcoholic beverages in public spaces and are only allowed to consume them in certain places. If they drink outside of that place, they will be fined 800 euros and at risk of being arrested by the police.

It is clear that Qatar 2022 will be a very different World Cup. That is why visitors are said to be fewer than the previous tournament in Russia.

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