
JAKARTA - WNBA star lawyer Britney Griner confirmed that their client has served a nine-year sentence for drug possession at a Russian colony in Mordovia.

The sentence colony in Mordovia where Griner spent his days lies about 210 miles east of Moscow.

"Brittney did the best he expected and tried to stay strong as he adapted to a new environment," his lawyer told the world in a statement quoted by Marca on Friday.

Griner was transferred to one of the feared Russian sentencing colonies last week. However, at that time, there was no specification where he was taken.

Everyone is afraid Griner's life is in danger, especially given how bad conditions are in those prison colonies.

Until now, both the United States Government and Griner representatives are still actively seeking the release of the WNBA basketball player.

But the situation is getting tougher from minute to minute where the two Olympic gold medalists may be going through the worst moments of his life since he arrived in Russia.

All media coverage is almost minimal and attention to issues from local authorities is virtually non-existent.

Griner was convicted in August after police found a vape tube filled with marijuana oil in his suitcase at Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport.

His February arrests came at a time when tensions between Moscow and Washington escalated, just days before Russia sent troops to Ukraine.

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