
JAKARTA - Ferry Paulus officially held the position of President Director of PT Liga Indonesia Baru (PT LIB) at the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS).

This certainty was made after LIB held a General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) at the Sultan Hotel, Jakarta, Tuesday, November 15, 2022.

The member of the PSSI Executive Committee occupies the position of President Director replacing Akhmad Hadian Lukita. As is known, the man from West Java was a suspect in the Flood Tragedy on October 1.

Previously, there were two candidates for that position. Apart from Ferry, there are also other members of the Exco PSSI, Hasani Abdulgani. However, the shareholders finally appointed Ferry.

Previously, Ferry occupied the position of Director of Sports Persija Jakarta. To avoid conflicts of interest, he decided to withdraw from that position.

Meanwhile, Sudjarno still holds the position of director of operations. Meanwhile, the former CEO of PSM Makassar, Munafri, was also appointed as director.

The following is the Board of Directors of PT LIB as a result of the AGMS, Tuesday, November 15, 2022:

President Director of PT LIB: Ferry Paulus

Director of PT LIB: Munafri Arifuddin

Operations Director of PT LIB: Sudjarno

Board of Commissioners

President Commissioner of PT LIB: June Rahman

Member of Commissioner of PT LIB: Yabes Tanuri, Ponaryo Astaman, Ardian, Roofi

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