
JAKARTA Wayne Rooney wants to coach Everton and Manchester United. Both of his former clubs are closest to his heart. Rooney, 37, is currently the manager of DC United's Major League Soccer (MLS) club after leaving Derby County early in the year. However, he would have been interested in returning to the Premier League if there was a club that wanted him.

"Obviously, Everton and Manchester United are two clubs that are very close to my heart so managing one of the two will be a dream," Rooney said, quoted by Euro Sport, Saturday, November 12.

Rooney is currently pursuing a career as a coach since retiring in 2021. He is known as one of the best players in the world whose career has been brilliant since his teens.

He started stealing attention while playing with Everton before Manchester United recruited him. Together with the Red Devils, Rooney reached the peak of his career by winning various titles and becoming a club legend.

Rooney realizes he still needs to learn a lot if he wants to train one of his two former clubs. He said he wanted to go there with the best experience he could get.

"I would be naive to say 'I will go and coach Manchester United next year or more'. I need to develop myself in the right way then I feel this opportunity will come to me eventually," he said.

Rooney defended Manchester United for 13 years, from 2004 to 2017. During that time he was always the main weapon of the team based at Old Trafford in terms of scoring goals.

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