
JAKARTA - Judge Santa Clara County, California has guaranteed former UFC heavyweight champion totaling Velasquez, a fighter who spent eight months in prison.

Velasquez's release requirements include $1 million in collateral, GPS monitoring, and compliance with a series of requirements.

These requirements include; must not use weapons, outpatient care, counseling, search and confiscation conditions, and a protection order to remain at least 300 yards of alleged victims Harry Goularte, Patricia Golute, and Paul Bender.

"Mr Velasquez, I wouldn't release you if I wasn't sure that at the time of the current release, eight months later, that you would be a danger especially for Harry Goularte, Patricia Goularte or Paul Bender," Judge Arthur Bocanegra told

"If you are a dutiful husband and father, I believe and must believe that you will not harm anything that will keep you away from your son, your daughter, your family. I hope you don't prove me wrong."

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The former Mexican UFC fighter was charged with 10 counts on April 1, including a first-degree assassination attempt, after attacking a subject at the Monterey Highway and Bailey Avenue intersections in Santa Clara County, California.

Reports showed that Velasquez crashed a truck into Harry Goularte's vehicle (43) and then shot him.

Goularte is suspected of being involved in obscene acts against underage girls who are close to the family of the former heavyweight champion.

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