
PadaNG - Semen Padang FC continues to hold intensive exercises even though there is still no certainty regarding the continuation of the 2022-23 Indonesian League 2 competition which was also suspended after the Eradication Tragedy on October 1.

"We have been training to focus on improving the physical players for a week after a nine-day holiday," said head coach Semen Padang Delfiadri as quoted by Antara, Sunday, November 6.

According to him, even though they just had a holiday, the condition of the players did not go down much and it means that they still maintain conditions while on vacation.

"They train themselves in their hometowns and all can get back together in good condition," he said.

In addition to undergoing routine training, Semen Padang also daily holds matches against League 3 teams in the West Sumatra zone.

Recently, Semen Padang won a landslide victory 12--1 over PES Pessel (South Pesisir).

"Alhamdulillah, the children enjoy practicing and we no longer dare to dismiss the team because the whole team has returned to training," said Delfiadri.

Delfiadri revealed that he and the Semen Padang coach were quite confused in preparing the training portion amidst the uncertainty of the continuation of the competition.

"The whole team has been training and if it is announced next week the competition starts and we haven't practiced yet, of course, it's tough," he said.

Semen Padang CEO Win Bernadino said every club in Indonesia needs certainty whether this competition will continue or not

"So far, we have not received any information regarding the continuation of the league, but for League 1 it is reported that there will be a manager meeting, we Liga 2 are still waiting," he said.

He hopes that even though PSSI will hold an Extraordinary Conference (KLB), this competition should be resumed, the most important thing is the certainty of the schedule.

"Whether the competition will continue or be stopped for a time when even this competition will be closed and repeated next season, the most important thing is clarity," he said.

According to him, this uncertainty made the team feel losses ranging from funds detained by sponsors because there was no clarity on the temporary competition schedule for expenses ranging from operational funds, player salaries still came out as usual.

"We are certainly vigilant by continuing to hold exercises if the competition is declared to continue suddenly. We hope that early November there will be clarity on the continuation of this competition. We cannot answer to sponsors when this competition will roll out and hope PSSI as the owner of the regulation will explain to the team," he said.

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