
YOGYAKARTA How to calculate a body fat to find out the ideal weight is very easy.

Please note, calculating the body fat is not the same as weighing the weight on the scales as usual. There is a formula that you can use to help calculate the value of your body fat.

Before going to the body fat count section, first find out what body fat is.

Body Fat is a percentage of fat in the body. Normal fat levels in women range from 21-31 percent. As for men, the value ranges from 14-25 percent.

The different percentages of fat levels are influenced by the lifestyle, age, and pattern of exercise that each individual does.

Quoted by VOI from SehatQ, Sunday, October 30, 2022 Health experts formulate various ways to calculate body fats that are practical and easy for everyone to apply.

There are several methods of calculating body fats, including:

Body Mass Index (BMI) or also called Body Age Index (IMT) is a measure used to show a person's weight category. This method is the most frequently used when calculating body fats.

The figures obtained from the IMT/BMI calculation method can be used as a warning sign for anyone, to avoid the dangers of chronic illness due to obesity.

Body Mass Index is calculated through the division of weight (kg) with height (calculated in quadar meters)

For example, If you have a weight of 80 kg, then a height of 170 cm, to calculate BMI, your height must be converted first into a matter of meters (170 cm = 1.7 m).

Next, multiply the height in the square meter (1.7 x 1.7 = 2.89). The last step is to divide the weight (kg) number with a height (m2) (80/2.89 = 27.68 kg/m2).

The numbers obtained, then can be classified as follows:

Based on the category above, the IMT figure 27.68 kg/m2 is included in the overweight category.

The method of calculating body fats from the circumference of the stomach is still being debated because it is considered less accurate.

However, calculating the body fat with a belly circumference can be the first benchmark for the general public to know the health condition of his body.

The first step is to calculate the body fat by this method, namely to measure the circumference of the stomach by installing a meter around the tomb, then record the results.

The ideal belly circle for men is 90 centimeters. While the ideal belly circumference for women is 80 centimeters. If less than that, you lose weight. On the other hand, if the measurement results exceed the ideal belly circumference figure, it means you are overweight.

The third way to calculate the body fat can be done by the Relative Fat Mass (RFM) method or relative fat index. This method was created because researchers from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, California consider the IMT method to have many weaknesses in terms of calculating a person's body fat percentage.

How to calculate body fat by this method is to measure height and waist circumference. Then calculate using the following formulas:

Male: 64 - (20 x high / waist circle) = RFM (BF %)

Women: 76 - (20 x high / waist circle) = RFM (BF %)

Calculated results in RFM or BF % (body fit percentage or ideal mother) that you get, can then be classified based on a graph created by The American Council on Exercise (ACE) as follows:

Those are three ways to calculate the body fat based on BMI, hull circle and RFM.

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