
The Malang tragedy that occurred on October 1 made an impression. Not only for supporters, but also the players, especially Arema FC.

Arema coach Javier Rocha admits that there are still players who are traumatized by the sad incident. He said that a number of Arema players are still filled with sadness due to the tragedy that killed 134 people.

"There are still some players, I don't want to get it wrong, but whether it's trauma or sadness. There are some," said Roca in Malang City as quoted by Antara, Saturday, October 22.

He then said that some players still could not fully concentrate while undergoing training sessions. This is what makes him unable to force players to go north in full.

According to him, the training in the field currently being carried out is still limited to maintaining cohesiveness and making players accustomed to entering the field. The session is also still accompanied by a team of psychologists.

"Therefore, training in the field is more for cohesiveness, accustomed to entering the field. Not playing or having tactical and others," he said.

He explained that the sadness of Arema FC players was more felt when they met the families of the victims of the Kanjuruhan tragedy. At that time, the condition of the players was very sad and hit by the incident on October 1, 2022.

"When we went to the victim's house, they were even more devastated by the situation and condition of the victim's family. But, for the past few days, they have started to get excited," said the former coach of Persik Kediri.

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