
JAKARTA - Lionel Messi will certainly appear to defend the Argentine national team at the 2022 World Cup next November in Qatar. Despite defending Argentina, Messi has other countries to champion.

When the 2022 World Cup takes place later, Messi believes that strong teams in the world will show their best abilities. Regarding his champion team, Messi did not mention that Argentina actually champions Brazil and France

"Big national teams, Brazil, Germany, France, England, Spain, and I'm sure I've forgotten several other teams (to become champions)," said Lionel Messi as quoted by PSG Talk, Wednesday.

"But if I have to defend one or two, I believe that Brazil and France are two big candidates for this World Cup," he added.

The reason Messi chose Brazil and France was because the two countries had a mature squad and had been proven in the last few tournaments.

Reflecting on that, Messi feels that Brazil and France have a great opportunity to become champions.

They have had the same group for a long time. France, after the last European Cup went badly, they had impressive players, the same coach for a long time."

"Brazil too. Today, I think they are two favorites, even if all big teams are candidates," concluded Messi.

At the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, Brazil is in Group G along with Serbia, Switzerland, and also Cameroon. While France will face resistance from Australia, Denmark and Tunisia in Group D

Meanwhile for Argentina, the Messi country of origin is in Group C and competes with Saudi Arabia, Mexico, and also Poland. Being a leading team in the group, Argentina is believed to have a great opportunity to qualify for the final round.

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