
YOGYAKARTA Each country has special martial arts knowledge. Even the martial arts of each country has differences in each other, ranging from moves, moves, to names. Of the many types, which is the strongest martial arts in the world used as a means of martial arts and sport?

Tell which martial arts is the most powerful is not an easy thing because there are no benchmarks that can be used globally. However, some of these martial arts are often said to have destroyed power to high opponents. Here's the list.

This self-defense comes from Japan. Nin intermediately used as fighting or killing without a voice practiced in the Yamabushi era in 593. This self-defense is known to be very deadly because its practice is used in silence and the use of deadly sharp weapons.

The Marine Corps Martial Arts Program or MCMAP is a martial arts developed by the United States Marine Corps. This close-range martial art is known to be quite deadly because it was created to remove sharp weapons used by the enemy to injure but without killing the opponent. This martial arts technique combines many martial arts techniques such as Kung Fu, Judo, Tae Kwon Do, Ju totaling, Karate Okinawa, and even Boxing.

The martial arts technique is quite familiar among the Indonesian people. Silat is used to fight the enemy at close range either with or without weapons.

Silat is very deadly because his movements rely on forces that combine the strength of paralyzing the enemy. So far, many silats have been taught in various countries, especially in Indonesia.

Silat is also recognized by the world as a deadly martial arts, as evidenced by the many Hollywood films that use silat choreography for their matches, such as the films The Raid and John Wick.

Krav Maga is becoming very deadly because this self-defense is based on the efficient use of sharp weapons and firearms. This weapon makes the opponent's death rate quite high.

Krav Maga was introduced in 1930 in Israel. This self-defense is usually used by military forces to help them defend themselves when they are not armed.

Kung Fu martial arts turns out to be one of the oldest martial arts in the world. Kung Fu comes from China which relies on speed even with its bare hands. This speed will kill the enemy in just a matter of minutes.

In addition to speed, Kung Fu also relies on strength from head to toe which is strengthened by body balance.

This self-defense was popularized in Brazil by Mitsuyo Maeda who emphasized the defense capabilities in the fight. Someone who uses this technique will be dominant in a close-range floor fight.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu can be deadly because it will lock the joints of the opponent tightly. No matter how big the opponent is, he will be seriously injured from fractures to the stop of exposure to death. This martial arts technique is also widely used in MMA fights.

This self-defense comes from the Cambodian area which circulated about 1700 years ago. The death rate of the Botator is quite high. Even once a Cambodian soldier killed a lion with just one knee attack.

Bokator self-defense also takes movement from animals such as eagle, horse, snake, lion movements, and much more. Bokator will also rely on elbows, knees, locks, slams, punches, and so on.

Those are some of the strongest martial arts in the world. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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