
YOGYAKARTA - Talking about martial arts universities in Indonesia until they develop in the international arena is there? Of course there is. Because martial arts from Indonesia has traditional values typical of Indonesian society. Pencak Silat is not only known with the aesthetics of its movement, but also the philosophy that exists in each movement. Almost every place has the art of pencak silat with various martial arts colleges.

Then, some of them have branches or participants from abroad. Here are 6 martial arts universities in Indonesia that have developed to abroad.

Holy Tap

The Indonesian Learning Arts College of Tapak Suci Putera Muhammadiyah or abbreviated as the Holy Tapak, is a flow, university, and martial arts organization which is a member of IPSI (Indonesian Pencak Silat Association). The Holy Tapas is included in the 10 IPSI Historical Colleges, namely universities that support the growth and development of IPSI as an organization.

The Holy Tap is based on Islam, sourced in the Al Qur'an and As-Sunnah, the spirit of brotherhood, is under the auspices of the Muhammadiyah Association as the 11th autonomous organization. The Holy Tap stands on 10 Rabiul Awal 1383 H, or coincides with 31 July 1963 in Kauman, Yogyakarta.

The Holy Tapak has the motto "With Faith and Akhlak I became strong, without Faith and Akhlak I became weak".

Currently, for the extraordinary hard work and enthusiasm of its cadres, the Holy Tapak has grown to foreign countries including Germany, the Netherlands, Suriname, Algeria, Timor Leste, Singapore, Egypt, Taiwan, Pakistan, Uganda, Morocco, Thailand, Lebanon, Sudan, Malaysia, Palestine, Brunei, and Jordania.

Setia Hati Terate (PSHT)

The first martial arts university is the Brotherhood of Setia Hati Terate. The combination is in the city of Madiun. This university has branches in 236 regencies/cities in Indonesia. In fact, PSHT has also opened branches in some countries outside Indonesia.

Reportedly the illegal PSHT website, this university has branches in the Netherlands, Russia, Malaysia, Timor Leste, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, Belgium, and France. This results in PSHT as one of the largest martial arts universities in Indonesia.

IKSPI Kera Sakti

The next largest martial arts university in Indonesia is IKSPI Kera Sakti. This university concentrates on Buduran Village, Madiun Regency. The movements in this university are quite similar to the scientific movement in China.

This university generally inaugurates thousands of people every four months. The inauguration is not only carried out at the IKSPI Kera Sakti pandemic center in Madiun, but also uses long-distance inauguration. This is carried out because this university has branches abroad such as Timor Leste, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Thailand, South Korea, to Ireland.

The Nusa Pagar

The silat university, which has the legal name Pencak Silat Silatul Ulama (IPS-NU) Pagar Nusa, was prepared on January 3, 1986 in Kediri, East Java. The birth of Pagar Nusa itself was motivated by the edification of the martial arts arts of pencak silat in Islamic boarding schools. This university combines martial arts with Islamic faith.

Pagar Nusa also has special branches in Malaysia. In fact, Pagar Nusa has also spread its wings in some other countries such as Azerbaijan, Austria, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Switzerland, and some other countries.

Setia Hati Winongo

Madiun seems to be one of the places that has a high variety of silat. The reason is, there are 3 major martial arts universities in Madiun, namely IKSPI Kera Sakti, SH Terate, and SH Winongo. Even so, history reveals that there has been a long dispute between these three martial arts colleges.

Apart from that, the three both have branches abroad. For SH Winongo, this university has branches in parts of European countries, such as France and the Netherlands.

Personal Shield

Other martial arts universities that have branches abroad are Personal Shields. This martial arts college was founded by RM Soebandiman Dirdjoatmodjo on July 2, 1955 in Surabaya. Some of the interesting techniques at this silat college are Minangkabau, Meliwis, Naga, to Tiger techniques.

Not only is it an interesting technique, Prisai Diri also has a really large branch. In fact, you can get some branches abroad in Australia to the European continent.

White Merpati

The White Merpati is a blank hand martial art whose flow has been known by the public since the 1550s. This university was founded on April 2, 1963 in Yogyakarta. Over time, this martial arts college has developed rapidly so far and has branches abroad.

Some countries that have white Merpati branches are the Netherlands, the United States, the Philippines, and Japan. This university is also growing rapidly in Papua, especially Mimika.

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