
JAKARTA - Qatar's 2022 World Cup is less than two months remaining. A number of preparations continue to be made for the event to run perfectly.

The Qatari government is also very supportive of the 2022 World Cup. They made a number of policies for the smooth running of the four-year world football event.

On Wednesday, October 5, local time, Qatar announced a reduction in the number of working hours of government offices and school study hours. This policy is to reduce congestion before and during the 2022 World Cup.

With more than one million people expected to attend the World Cup from November 20 to December 19, the Qatar government is trying to keep traffic under control around eight stadiums that will be the location of the match.

Local authorities were most worried in the first two weeks of the World Cup when the number of foreign visitors peaked as there were still 32 participating countries undergoing matches.

A government spokesman said that after holding a cabinet meeting, it was decided that only 20 percent of the total number of government employees were expected to continue working in the office from November 1 to December 19 with only four hours a day working.

School learning hours will also begin to be reduced on November 1-17. School hours will start at 07.00 am and end until noon. The next students will receive a holiday allotment on November 19 to December 22, as reported by AFP via Antara.

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