
JAKARTA - The world football management agency (FIFA) prohibits tear gas from being used in stadiums.

Therefore, despite the anarchism of some Indonesian football fans, many of whom are still needed for assistance, including from their parents, the panic situation due to the use of tear gas should be a concern.

For this reason, the exact cause of the Kanjurusan tragedy that killed more than 100 people must be disclosed to the public, in addition to someone who is responsible for this incident.

This step was taken to prevent the bad incident from happening again in the future so that everyone was more prepared and more careful in acting, including in ensuring that the stadium was filled with less than its capacity.

Efforts to control violent supporters should also be understood as the task of all parties related to football.

In this regard, making and then consistently implementing strict rules for football supporters and all parties related to supporters, including clubs, supporters' associations and league organizers, is a must.

FIFA and football agencies generally impose sanctions on countries, clubs or football associations for events related to audience behavior.

In this way, FIFA forces clubs, national football associations or countries to firmly suppress the masses to act violently or dishonorably, either by making rules as harsh as it is for people who make trouble or by creating stadium systems and environments that are friendly with physical and psychological safety.

From this perspective, Indonesian public authorities and football must also consistently apply the existing rules to suppress anarchism not only in stadiums but also outside stadiums, including convoys of supporters who damage public facilities and disturb people who have nothing to do with the situation in the stadium.

Indonesian football supporters clearly still need education. However, the focus is certainly not on supporters alone, because supporters are only part of the big system of football competition.

The tragedy at the Kanjuruhan Stadium, Malang Regency occurred after the match between Arema FC and Persebaya Surabaya with a final score of 2-3. The incident is still in the process of being investigated by the police and related parties.

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