
JAKARTA MotoGP has officially added their first Grand Prix in India to the 2023 season racing calendar. The temporary schedule for next season is expected to be announced soon.

Before MotoGP in a recent statement broken down India's racing plans in the near future. However, the latest statement confirms the race there starts next year.

"We are very proud to announce that Buddh International Circuit will be included in the 2023 calendar," said Dorna Sport CEO Carmelo Ezpeleta on the official MotoGP website, Friday afternoon.

Buddh International Circuit, located in Uttar Pradesh south of New Delhi, has previously hosted the F1 Grand Prix from 2011 to 2013.

MotoGP is presented in India because the country has promising economic powers with a population of more than 1.4 billion people. In addition, there are also at least 200 million motorcycles roaming the streets.

In India, two-wheeled transportation accounts for almost 75 percent of the total number of vehicles used every day. This makes India one of the largest motorcycle markets in the world.

"We have a lot of fans in India and we are excited to bring this sport to them. India is also a major market for the motorcycle industry," said Ezpeleta.

"We are looking forward to racing at the Buddh International Circuit and can't wait to welcome fans at the gate to see this incredible sport live," he added.

India is the latest country to enter MotoGP 2023. Previously, at the beginning of this week the most prestigious race organizers had included Kazakhstan in the racing calendar.

Thus, the 2022 MotoGP will be the longest race in the history of the motorcycle Grand Prix. In total there will be 22 race series if India and Kazakhstan will continue to race.

The entry of India and Kazakhstan marks the massive presence of MotoGP in the Asian region. Apart from those two countries, MotoGP is also still present in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, and Qatar.

The 2023 season will start on March 26 in Portugal as the Losail Circuit in Qatar, which is commonly the first series, is currently increasing facilities to welcome F1 back to the country next year.

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