
YOGYAKARTA Ahead of the World Superbike (WSBK) which will be held on 11-13 November 2022, the Pertamina Mandalika International Street Circuit will make improvements to the kerb on the track. Then, what is the circuit kerb and what is the benefit so that it must be improved?

In general, the kerb or curbstones are routes that are next to the main circuit. Usually these lines are painted with striking colors to make them more aesthetic and easy to see. Kerb can be an assistant line for racers to find out the race line limit so they don't get off track.

The kerb path is different from the main track because it has a gearing texture. The minimum distance of the kerb is at least 12 meters with the initial and the shape of the triangle. An international standard circuit must have a kerb.

In Indonesia, one of the circuits that has a kerb is the Mandalika Circuit. On that track, the kerb is painted red and white. However, because the racer often passes by, it is not uncommon for dark tires to appear.

Kerbs are made not only for aesthetic reasons. This Kerb has a better grip or grip than asphalt so that it helps drivers pass better when they intentionally or not get off the main line.

In addition, the kerb also helps racers to jump start. Drivers will find it easier to start the engine on that path.

Usually the kerb will be colored with three colors, namely red-and-white, and green. Each has its function. The red-and-white line combines the kerb to function for racer guides on the track, while the green color serves as a track limit marker or track barrier.

Kerb or curbstones have two types, namely Entry Kerb and Exit Kerb. Each has two different conditions.

Entry Kerb refers to the situation when the racers start entering the corner they will pass the kerb entry or at the et-x bend. While Exit Kerb is a condition where the racer is about to step on the gas when exiting the corner. They will pass the exit kerb to help get their speed again.

The Mandalika Circuit used for international racing arenas has a kerb made according to standards. However, the management is currently carrying out an improvement process before being used in WSBK Indonesia 2022.

Kerb Mandalika is made like the MotoGP circuit Misano, Italy. Director of Engineering and Operations of the Mandalika Grand Prix Association (MGPA) Samsul Purba explained that the replacement process had been carried out.

"The replacement of the kerb from the usual to the Misano kerb has been completed," said Samsul Purba, quoted from Antara.

Previously, the kerb in Mandalika was only one meter wide. Meanwhile, Misano's kerb has wider specifications.

"The new one has increased widely to 1.5 meters, like at the Misano Circuit, that's why it's called the Misano kerb," said Samsul Purba.

He also explained that the repair of the kerb in Mandalika was carried out at Turn 5 and Turn 6 and the overall length reached 260 meters.

"The improvement is not continuous in one line, so there are several points at the two corners," he said again.

The improvement of the kerb was carried out on the recommendations of Dorna Sport and the International Federation of Motorcycles (FIM). This is also done so that the circuit passes the standard test or homologation grade A.

In addition to what the circuit kerb is and its benefits on the Mandalika track, get interesting information on VOI.ID.

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