
JAKARTA - Algerian national team costumes have sparked polemics. Costume design is accused of stealing cultural heritage from other countries.

Adidas as the producer was affected. Adidas is required to immediately withdraw the Algerian costume and change the design.

In the Algerian national team costume, a geometric design pattern appears known as "Zellige" and is common in the multinational ceramic mosaics of Morocco. This was conveyed by Moroccoian lawyer Mourad Elajuti on behalf of the country's cultural ministry.

In a letter sent to Adidas CEO Kasper Rorsted, Elajuti demanded the withdrawal of the costume within two weeks because it was claimed to be "inspired by the arts" of Morocco, as quoted from AFP via Antara.

In a copy of the letter, Morocco's lawyers denounced "cultural play and attempts to steal Morocco's cultural heritage".

On September 23, Adidas released on Twitter a photo of the new Algerian national team jersey for the 2022-2023 season which is said to be "inspired by culture and history".

The design, according to Adidas, was inspired by Mechouar Palace in Palemcen in northwest Algeria.

Morocco and Algeria have long been at odds over the disputed West Sahara region of the two countries. The region became the site where Algeria's support Polisario Front demanded independence from Morocco.

Algeria cut diplomatic ties in August 2021 while accusing Rabat of carrying out "hostile acts" which Morocco said "completely unjustified".

"The Ministry of Culture of Morocco has the right to use all legal remedies that can be carried out before a German and international court," the lawyer added in the letter.

He also threatened to bring the case "to the front of organizations related to heritage and copyright protection", including the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

TV journalist and host Abdellah Tourabi was among several Morocco social media who made fun of the move.

"We are investigating the absurd!" he said, throwing a sinism that whether "Spain will also sue Morocco for most of our culinary delights taken from Arabia after taking it from Persia and Turkey from whom we borrowed the Kaftan and other symbols."

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