
YOGYAKARTA Tips of choosing running shoes must be considered so that you can choose the right running shoes. The selection of running shoes is crucial, because the wrong choice can make your feet injured.

Although it looks simple, running sports also need supporting equipment to make it safer and more comfortable, one of which is running shoes.

Just so you know, running shoes are usually designed a bit different from footwear in general. Starting from the shape, weight, or level of comfort when worn.

So, what should be considered when choosing running shoes? Compiled by VOI from various sources, there are several tips that can be considered in choosing running shoes:

When choosing running shoes, attention is paid to the strength of shoewear. The reason is, running shoes are designed to protect feet from hard surfaces.

Running shoes with strong and sturdy bases can help you get through uneven roads.

Boxing on shoes is also something you should consider when choosing running shoes.

Equipment can make your feet comfortable, even though they are passing through uneven roads.

Generally, shoe pads are made with a high and low arch. Choose the right cushion and still feel comfortable when used to run. Don't choose a cushion that is too high so that your feet don't cause cramps or soreness.

Wearing oversized running shoes has the potential to make you injured. You can fall or trip because the size of the shoe is not right. Skates that are too big can't reach your legs completely.

The existence of a cushion on your heels can make you more comfortable running. Therefore, choose running shoes with a cushion that can grip your heels but does not irritate.

What is meant by the heel counter is the shoe that is on the back of the shoe. This Heel Counter serves to support and cover the heels.

Heels on running shoes are usually located in the bag of footwear that blends with the body of shoes.

Heel counters are useful for supporting the back of the leg and protecting the heels from the outside. In addition, heel counters can make heels tread with perfect support.

Not a few ignore shoe straps when choosing running shoes. In fact, the easily removing rope is very annoying.

Therefore, pay attention to how the rope can hold the leg when used. Choose a practical form of rope so that the bond does not come off easily when used.

In addition to having a strong base, running shoes must also be equipped with the right material, such as rubber bases or foam so that the running movement can be maximized. This material can increase reflection and increase flexibility.

Not only that, the tread shape with rubber can also increase the desired stability under the feet.

Midsole fits as a shoe base located in the middle of the leg. Choosing running shoes with thickness and suitable midsole material can increase the speed of running without excessive load.

In addition, the right midole can also be an additional cushion so that your feet don't feel sore when doing running.

Those are tips for choosing running shoes that you must pay attention to. Hopefully it can be taken into consideration when choosing running shoes.

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