
JAKARTA - Shocking news came from the Indonesian Olympic Committee (KOI). Ferry Kono decided to resign from his position as Secretary General (Secretary General).

Ferry Kono has been given his resignation letter since Monday, September 5, 2022. In the letter, it is explained the reason for the resignation of the man from Gorontalo.

Ferry Kono decided to resign because he would focus on activities outside the sport that would take up a lot of time.

Ferry's decision to appoint KOI appointed Harry Warganegara as the Acting Acting Secretary General of KOI which has been held since 2019. The General Chairperson of KOI Raja Sapta Oktohari ensured that this transition would not interfere with the planned plans and agendas including the preparation of the 2023 Cambodia SEA Games, Hangzhou Asian Games, to the readiness to host the 2023 ANOC World Beach Games. "At the Executive Committee meeting of NOC Indonesia, Monday, Ferry expressed his wish to resign and we have also received his official letter. The Executive Committee meeting decided to accept the resignation from the person concerned, Oktohari said in a press release in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Friday, September 9. Based on the Articles of the Indonesian Olympic Committee, it was written that the Secretary General, Treasurer, and Deputy Treasurer were appointed by the General Chair by obtaining approval of the Executive Committee as employees of the Indonesian Olympic Committee. With the resignation submitted by Ferry, the KOI 5 Executive Committee Meeting last September also agreed on Harry Warganegara who previously served as Deputy Secretary General I to fill the position of Acting Secretary General. The decision has been officially made through Decree number 21/NOC-INA/KE/2022 dated September 5, 2022 concerning Amendments to the Indonesian Olympic Committee for the 2019-2023 Bakti. This information has also been distributed to all national federations of KOI members.

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